We've been doing a whole lot of
And can you hear Dan cheering with delight? His sweet sweet wife helped him to clean OUT the garage today. I mean, move everything out. Clean clean. Move 1/2 of it back in. Paused to go get a pedicure and a pumpkin spice somethingorother. And after having this stored in the garage for almost 4 years, we finally cracked open the crate that has been a major space hog. Behold the dollhouse.
I got this for Christmas when I was 8? 9? I BEGGED my mom and dad for a Fisher Price piece o crap dollhouse. I remember so much so that my mom actually snapped at me in the car about how if I asked one more time she would tell Santa something bad. I wouldn't get it. I walked out Christmas morning to this beautiful glorious dollhouse that my parents had built for me.
It was taller than I was!!
Isn't it pretty? I think my mom was so happy to finally tell me that of course I wasn't going to get the junk dollhouse. They got me an heirloom that I am so thrilled now to have to pass on to Lauren.
I need to clean it up. And I'm debating painting it. Light blue was a favorite color when I was young but I'm not sure how I love it now. Any color ideas? It's going to go up in Lauren's room for the time being and her room looks like this.
Dan installed a fantastic closet organizer in her closet for her. I love staring at all her clothes. It's like a candy shop - everything is so pretty! I'll have to post about that after I am done moving everything back in!
It was taller than I was!!
Isn't it pretty? I think my mom was so happy to finally tell me that of course I wasn't going to get the junk dollhouse. They got me an heirloom that I am so thrilled now to have to pass on to Lauren.
I need to clean it up. And I'm debating painting it. Light blue was a favorite color when I was young but I'm not sure how I love it now. Any color ideas? It's going to go up in Lauren's room for the time being and her room looks like this.
Dan installed a fantastic closet organizer in her closet for her. I love staring at all her clothes. It's like a candy shop - everything is so pretty! I'll have to post about that after I am done moving everything back in!
Wow, you're dollhouse is beautiful. You are just like Loralai on Gilmore Girls. She had a gorgeous dollhouse too. I think you should paint it pale yellow with white trim. Then spice it up with pretty wallpaper to match Lauren's pretty clothes. I am so envious of your little dollhouse, truely. It's the coolest.
love and hugs
How sweet that you are able to pass on something of your childhood to your daughter. My father made me baby doll furniture that I have pass on.
My husband wouldn't know what to do with himself if I offered to help clean the garage! : )
That is a gorgeous dollhouse!! My vote (if you really do paint it) is that green color in her room. But I also love the blue. How fun!
But that's from a mom of all boys...seriously, what do I know?? :)
I love the idea of pale yellow with white trim, too.
Did somebody say Lorelai Gilmore?? LOL...I love the Gilmore Girls.
What a nice project for you...I've always regreted that we didn't get our Lorelai an heirloom quality dollhouse.
Lauren is so lucky...oh my gosh that is the most beautiful dollhouse! I love that it has become an heirloom that you can pass along, and then she can pass it along to her daughter...I can't wait to see what you will do with it! I am partial to pretty butter yellow for houses, but that is just me! :)
I'm digging a yellow with white trim on that house, especially with the pink in Lauren's room - if you can match the yellow in the hanging by the crib, that would be outstanding.
What an amazing gift!
What a fabulous dollhouse! I love it! Don't you love cleaning out the garage....(I swear it gets messy so fast though!)
I laughed about Lauren's closet. That's one of my favorites...to stare at Myka's clothes (half of which she hasn't worn...nor will she ever wear). Oh well, at least they're there to look pretty on the matching hangers!
What a beautiful dollhouse. Maddy plays with hers about everyday. Could you do me a big favor please?...Send those sweet kids my way, smile. My house needs some major cleaning..haha! I remember when mine were young and thought cleaning was cool. What happened?
I just wanted to drop in and say hi. I have missed all of you dearly. It's hard not having power and being able to stay in touch. cant wait to catch up.. take care~
OH...I remember that doll house. I loved it too. I never told you but everytime I walked past it I got bitten by the jealous bug!
How lucky is Lauren? My vote is for a green...a good green . I like pink and green together and Lauren's room is perfectly pink!
Wow that dollhouse is incredible! I think it is beautiful. Yea for cleaning our your garage- we are in the process of doing that too. Doesn't it feel great to organize things!
yellow too...a buttery yellow. that would be lovely in her room :)
That is an awesome dollhouse and so neat that you still have it. My parents gave us a great Barbie house that was so neat. We were telling my mom a couple of weeks ago that we were so mad she got rid of it.
I think a light yellow would be perfect! It would go great in her room and it would make it look like a little victorian house or even a little country too. Whatever you do, it will be fab!
What a dollhouse. I bet the kids are going to love that one.
I love your background! It's so pumpkiny :)
Beautiful dollhouse! I have a huge box in my garage full of dollhouse too! lol It became too big of a project... I may crack that box open someday and finish. :o)
I love that dollhouse! I always wanted one like that when I was a kid. I'd love it if my daughter got into something like that. It would be so much fun! As far as painting it, why not white with pink trim? Or pale yellow with pink trim?
That is so neat that you have a cool dollhouse to pass on.
My dad made one for me when I was little, but it was lost in the divorce shuffle. Who knows what happened to it...
I can also relate to looking at the closet like it's a big candy store. It's so fun to hang up and put away all the girly clothes and pick out little outfits huh?
Wow! That is great! I have looked at the kits at the craft stores to build one for my dd!
Oh, I love that dollhouse! I have dreamed of making one for my girls and decorating the inside. But someone gave Mary Ashley a big plastic one (I don't really want anything big and plastic for decor), so now if I ever bring up the subject my husband points out that we already have one. But I'm still dreaming!
And I was thinking pale yellow, too, even before reading the other comments.
How sweet and sooo sentimental!!!
this is a treasured memory. I went with Dad to pick up this doll house and brought it home - carried it out of the back of Jim's van I believe... and lifted it with Dad with utmost care - knowing all the while it would blow your little girly mind... a great Christmas memory for me.
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