I have been SO excited for book club tonight, and I didn't even love the book that much! Have you read it? I thought it was "Eh." I think my fascination with Bella and Edward has seriously waned by the time this came out.
I was the most excited about my friend Natalie hosting. She goes all out and tonight she did not disappoint.

"Vampire Repelling Garlic Mints" were at the door. Along with cute framed sayings from the book like, "Are you ready to get
Bitten?" Her and fun Leslie were even wearing fangs. Too fun.

But can you believe this? She made this crazy cool Werewolf cookies and some other red cookies all labeled "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob!" Blood red punch, red roses were out. This girl has an amazing knack for details!
I'm hosting the dinner and book exchange in December....thankfully not right after Natalie. What a hard act to follow!! At least I've got a few months to come up with something fun!!
Thanks for the fun night Nat!
It was a great turn out and I think I speak for everyone when I say you are the hostess with the mostess!
Wow. I wish I were in your book club. I love the cute things your friend came up with. I haven't read the books. I'm avoiding them but I hear they are entertaining. I'm sure you're book hosting party will be the coolest.
Natalie is one-of-a-kind. She is so detail-oriented and always makes every gathering look fabulous!
I didn't want to eat one of those warewolf cookies because they looked so amazing! (The Edward ones were quite delicious though!)
We have a great book club group. The best part is just socializing (and of course eating)!
I haven't read the books but that sure looks like a fun book club! Maybe I need to start one. Nah, I'm not that organized or creative:)
Awwww, I'm sad I missed it! Dave and I went to the temple and honestly - it was a toss-up for me where to go!
What a great book club! I love mine but we don't do anything that fancy.
Natalie definitely is amazing. I went home and told Jason all about it and he was dying. She is seriously so cute.
But so are you. You always have something up your sleeve too. Look at all the cute things you come up with.
Can't wait until December!!!
First let me say-LOVE YOUR BACKGROUND!! So cute. It was fun sitting next to someone last night who felt the same way about the book as me. Your such a cutie and I am excited for when YOU host book club in December!!
Kristen your too nice! It was fun putting it all together, I am glad you gave me the fun book. You couldn't really do to much with some of the books we have chosen.
And I am not a hard act to follow, I am sure you will be amazing in December. I am excited, I have never done the December one yet. I hope people won't mind that I bring "US" it is my favorite book (or magazine) :)
Book club was so much fun last night. Natalie really is so creative. And of course you know I LOVED the book. I was surprised to hear that you didn't. I still love ya though. Can't wait for the movie!
Yes, I agree, Natalie is definately the hostess with the mostess. But, I know you have cute ideas too....just look at the many things you can make! They are so cute!
I must add...I felt kind of stupid having to leave early. People probably thought, "wow, she just came, ate, and left."
I wish I was that creative...and that I was in your book club.
What darling touches for a great meeting - those mint packets are such a cute idea!
What a fun night! I wish I still went to your book club. Our book clubs over here have never really been that great.
She did such a cute job with the treats!
You'll come up with something wonderful in December! :)
I am always amazed when people do these kinds of thinge. How do they have time? I am sure that when you host in December, it will turn out just as amazing. Have fun in December. It will be here before you know it.
I want to be in your book club too. I love those cookies. Something that is so pretty it is a shame to eat it, but in the end we all do.
What fun! Some of my friends have talked about starting a book club, but I think most didn't really want to commit to reading a book. I would sure love to participate in one, though!
Hi Kristin! Some how I came across
your blog, I am not sure how. Anyways I just wanted to say hi and ask if I could add you to my friends and family list.
Now Kristen, need I remind you about how cute and creative you are?????? Remember all the darling "Edward e-mails" we received to remind us about book club? You are so good at impersonating Stephenie Meyer that you could write her next book! :)
It was a fun night; our book club is awesome and I am so glad to be a part of all you wonderful women!
I always get great ideas from your blog... any cute Halloween goody bag ideas?
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