If you know me personally and read my blog. Fantastic. But I am what I am on here and this is the real me so if you don't like it or it offends, then don't read.
If you know me personally and read my blog to be Snoopy, then you must think I'm fantastic! Whatever, because I assure you that even though I've had over 6,000 hits to this blog in the last three months, 5,990 of those were me. I am really not a cool girl but a pretty lame one. So I'm happy to have you read, just don't get your hopes up too much.
This blog is a huge money maker for me and I intend to keep it up and running. The .75 cents I have earned since June has me eyeing a set of wooden spoons at the dollar store.
I cannot do two blogs. I'm on here way too much as it is. My kids would be whining even more than they already do if I was on here more.
It's my fault. I got excited when I started this and opened my big mouth and told everyone. But going private isn't what I want to do either.
Is this confusing or what? Good thing politicians aren't making major decisions like this over 3 year old t-ball games. Crimeny. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not changing a dang thing right now. Making these non-decisions was exhausting.
***My sweet friend Cori moved today. Snif. Snif. I am now planning a trip to Mississippi this spring because I miss her already. Who besides LouLou is in?
If you know me personally and read my blog to be Snoopy, then you must think I'm fantastic! Whatever, because I assure you that even though I've had over 6,000 hits to this blog in the last three months, 5,990 of those were me. I am really not a cool girl but a pretty lame one. So I'm happy to have you read, just don't get your hopes up too much.
This blog is a huge money maker for me and I intend to keep it up and running. The .75 cents I have earned since June has me eyeing a set of wooden spoons at the dollar store.
I cannot do two blogs. I'm on here way too much as it is. My kids would be whining even more than they already do if I was on here more.
It's my fault. I got excited when I started this and opened my big mouth and told everyone. But going private isn't what I want to do either.
Is this confusing or what? Good thing politicians aren't making major decisions like this over 3 year old t-ball games. Crimeny. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not changing a dang thing right now. Making these non-decisions was exhausting.
***My sweet friend Cori moved today. Snif. Snif. I am now planning a trip to Mississippi this spring because I miss her already. Who besides LouLou is in?
Well, I am glad you decided to stick around. I like reading your blog! It does make me feel weird to see all the hits on my blog that don't correspond with the comments...but I will admit that I have snooped in the past and was just too shy to put myself out there and comment. So I will choose to believe that about the other snoopers too! :)
Well, if You didn't blog I would feel bad and probably bring you cookies or something. Just so ya know. Not that my cookies could come close to being as cute as yours.
Even though you've decided to stick with the status quo, it was still fun to listen to you think in circles. Without it, I'm might not have ever learned how to spell "Crimeny"!!!
Hi, it's me, Rae. I probably could be classified as a snooper since I haven't had much time to comment lately! But I'm so glad to still be able to read your wonderful blog! I promise to do less snooping and more commenting!! :)
Glad to hear of your decision! And by the way, you are fabulous and it's no wonder people want to snoop. I loved your commentary on the whole situation, it made me smile :)
I am in for a trip to Mississippi (seriously). My grandmother still lives there so it would be a great excuse for me to go. Let's get it on the calendars!
I am totally in for sweet trip to Mississippi. Anything for a fun getaway, and with you everything is fun!!
Thanks for not going private. I like to see the happenings of your cute little family. Hope you don't mind that I am looking:)
Glad you're sticking around. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I get a lot of hits, too! I think I have a lot of Snoopy readers, too! Ha! Sorry your friend moved. I still miss mine that moved in March!
Trying to get back into the blogging swing of things and give a grateful shoutout for all the paryers and support!
Thankful blessings,
kari & kijsa
I think you are SUPER FANTASTIC, and I am glad you are not going private, so that I can continue being snoopy.
That post is sooo funny! I laughed out loud! You have a great blog...keep it up! I have a lot of snoopers to but I guess we are all guilty of being "a snoopy"...you are a funny...love the dollar store and wooden spoon!
-Sandy Toes
LMAO! Oh, you are too funny! I think my blog has "made" about 42 cents... so you'll be getting those wooden spoons long before I will. Glad you are sticking around. I still lurk on some blogs that I am almost too...intimadated? to comment on. Maybe you have a few of those type of lurkers?
I am so glad you decided against going private. I enjoy visiting your blog!
Yeah!! I was sure I'd get an invite if you had gone private but then I wouldn't be left wondering who all of these fun people are who comment on your blog!
Well, I am coming out of the snoopers' closet to comment for the first time! I have never met you but found your blog through another friend's blog. I just think you are an interesting mom to look up to... so thanks for the stories, laughs, and tips over the last few months since I found your fun family blog! You are welcome to view mine anytime @ oneyfamily dot blogspot dot com.
Hi Kris!!! I feel like we're old friends now that I'm lurking on your blog:) I saw you, or a friend coming from you in my stats now that I undid my private status the other day. Private is over-rated and boring! Keep on keepin' on! I think we all have something noteworthy to share and I'm with you though on the lurkers never commenting...who do they think they are, anyway? Have a good one---ps those cookies look delightfully sinful. Thanks a lot.
LOL about the wooden spoons from the dollar store! I always wonder how much those adds pay! I never tell anyone I actually know (except family) about my blog because then I'd be worried about what they think. But my husband tells people all the time. Drives me crazy!
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