I'm not going to fake it, I've been in a cruddy mood today. I woke up to boys asking me for root beer and marshmallows for breakfast and that just started the ball rolling for me for some reason. I have practically been in a self wallowing of tears all day thinking...
Is this it?
This is it....CRAP.
I signed the boys up for baseball. There goes $70.00 - and thinking about $$$ made me even more cranky. SEVENTY DOLLARS for two boys to each play eight games of baseball and get a cheapo trophy at the end? I sat there filling out the forms debating on starting my own art class or little league. I could make bank. I just hate that "I want my kids to do this, they need to do this, but my wallet is getting majorly ripped off here" feeling.
I also made Greg's appointment with the ENT since we think he might need to get his tonsils and adenoids out like Graham did. And Graham's appointment with an Ophthalmologist for his vision screening for Kindergarten. Fun. Fun.
OH! I had a point! Just when I was ready to start listening to some Chris Issak (he's so depressing) I went to the mail and found a card from my sister-in-law Sheree. She is only 21 but wise beyond her years I think. The note was sweet and simple and just really made me stop thinking so selfishly. I hope she reads this and know that her small gesture was timed perfectly for me and made a world of difference in my heart and attitude today. Thank you.
YO! I had one of these days last week...I couldn't take it anymore. I finally had to open all my windows so I would quit yelling at my kids. I thought if my windows were open, then my neighbors would be able to hear me...and we don't want them to think I am a bad mother that yells at my kids...right?
And here I thought you were just being budget minded and not turning on your AC yet!
Please..you probably hear me yell at my kids on a regular basis. My boys have been fighting like cats and dogs for the past two weeks!
Its called the summer blues! I have three kids myself and summers are long. Camps.... VBS.... pool... It helps! Susie H
Don't worry Monday's always make me feel like that! Kind of yucky huh!?
Glad I'm not the only one that has "those days." Thanks for sharing so I don't feel all alone in my self-wallowing.
What you need is a movie night, and I know just the place and time:)
Hey Kristen. It's Lisa Kingsford, remember NP 2nd ward?? What's up? I found you a little while ago and thought I left you a post but maybe I didn't. Wanted to say HI and give you our blog, it's themcburneyplace.blogspot.com. This is so fun to find people from the past :)
Pretty Kristen,
Go the that movie, I think it will cheer you up. I wish I could get on a magic carpet and go with you. That would be the most fun.
Usually when the day is lame and long my swearing increases expotentially (which I mispelled I am sure!). Just kidding---well atleast a little....
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