Graham played eight games in the fall and eight this spring with today being the last day! He had two great assists today and they won by a landslide as per usual.

Graham and his coach. He is from South America and is VERY serious about soccer. Which made it all the more fun I think. We're sad that we registered wrong and now will most likely not be on his team again, but I'm sure we'll get another great coach next season.

Greg was so excited that Graham now has TWO trophies! He has been waiting all season to get his hands on this thing. Graham has requested a trophy shelf for his room (me rolling my eyes.) I thought it was sweet that Greg was so excited for his brother and didn't even ask about one for him or was sad that he didn't get one.

Graham's buddy Clark, Graham, Emmanuel, Race, ??, Lydia and Greg. The kids all waiting for the pep talk to be over so they can eat their picnic lunch and play! We had a little potluck at the pavillion afterwards - little effort but a lot of fun for all the families!
So we've now got the calendar cleared for a single week until swim lessons start!
Great pictures- go Graham! Meg is asking to play soccer, but four is pretty young IMO, esp. with her being small for her age, I'm hoping to delay another year or two. She's got summer camp starting tomorrow and swim classes too!
Woo Hoo Graham. You ROCK.
Yeah for Graham! We love soccer and the trophys at the end!
We can't wait for swim lessons to start. See you there!
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