Sunday, June 19, 2016

Tillamook Cheese Factory

 After Portland we were on our way to the next part of our Pacific Northwest adventure.  Anyone else take dashboard pictures?  
This road out of Portland was so beautiful to me.  
 We drove out to the coast to the Tillamook Cheese Factory!
The kids were curious and then elated to hear about the cheese samples.  
My boys like cheese. 
A lot.
 There were some fun displays to mess around with.  
Now this is the part we LOVE about year round school schedules (for at least two of the kids!)  
Taking vacations while everyone else's kids are in school is the BEST.  
No crowds people!  
 You walk upstairs and there are large windows overlooking the cheese packaging floor as well as the large vats where they make ice cream.  It is interesting to watch the conveyor belts. 

After spending some time upstairs watching the workers and reading through a lot of the displays we headed back down to the cheese sample bar!  
Things like this gross me out and I was relieved to see everyone using toothpicks and NOT double picking.  
 This funneled us into a large cheese gift shop.  
And ice cream counter. 
 And restaurant.  
There are ways they can pack the cheese for you to take home where it stays cold for a few days but we just opted for some yummy ice cream cones. 
 Dan loves a good scoop of ice cream.
 More photo ops in the Tillamook "Loaf" truck. 
 We all loved our stop at the Tillamook Cheese Factory!  
All the workers were so nice and it really is worth the drive and hour or so time it takes to stop and tour it! 
We headed up the coastline a bit, it is just so beautiful!   
I mean look at this, how can you not love Oregon!?