Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting Organized - Day Five!

Under the Kitchen Sink!

I decided to do this bright and early this morning...yesterday was so crazy that I almost didn't get the linen closet done.  I feel so much better now that this is checked off my list and I can get on with getting ready for Graham's Pinewood Derby this weekend!
The Before:
 Ready for all the flowers Dan brings me!  No...being a Utah wedding florist means I collect lots of vases.  I'll have a space for these in my new laundry/craft room in a few months.  There are boxes more in the garage. 
 My mom made this little creation for me back when I was a single girl over nine years ago.  An over sized cereal box to hold all my grocery bags in.  It holds a ton since I keep them to reuse as garbage can liners. It's not pretty but usually no one sees it and it  works great!
 My friend Rachel gave this to me...have you ever used it?  It's from Target and it smells divine.  I'm now on my 2nd bottle and I just love it.  It makes me feel fancy when I clean.
 So here we are!  
I took everything out and scrubbed the bottom of the cabinet.  I have a cut piece of flooring from a remnant to put down on the cabinet floor and that makes wiping up messes really easy.  
I also cleaned the inside and outside of the cabinets really well.
 Done!  On with the rest of the day!


Beth's Blog said...

looks good! cute idea with the cereal box. :)

Marisa said...

Gosh! It didn't really look that messy to begin with. I think I will try something like your cereal box. What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Love the cereal box idea! You could use some Mod Podge and some pretty scrap booking paper to make it more appealing :o)

Anonymous said...

Love the cereal box reinvention! Great job!

Kristyn @ Good Gravy Crafts said...

looks great!! this was an easy one...unlike our desks! haha!!


Natalie@Endless Crafting said...

Love the bag holder idea!

Olson's said...

Kristen - so glad you like the counter cleaner! It's one of my favorite non-necessitites. Bet your kitchen is smelling better than ever :)

P.S. Is it just me, or did your under-the-sink cabinet seem really clean to begin with????

Melissa said...

Looking Good! You caught my eye with the Cheerios box...CLEVER! and I'm going to Target tomorrow...gonna try that countertop cleaner! Excuse me now, while I peruse your blog :)

Anonymous said...

New to your blog! I wish I had the drive to get everything in my home organized.