I've been looking forward to this past weekend for a long, long time. Ever since I realized that Dan has two single sisters who are GREAT with my kids and old enough to stay the night with them! Hmmm....so I got to planning....Marie comes and watches the kids....

A totally delicious homemade Mexican food fiesta prepared by my friend Leslie. I mean it, that girl can COOK! Thanks for having us over on my our hot date night Leslie!

I whisked Dan away to the downtown City Center Marriott for the night. Ahhh...the simple joy of sleeping in. I had almost forgotten how sweet that is!

A yummy breakfast at the Paradise Cafe - if you live near one of these you've got to go. My favorite thing there is the Chinese chicken salad. I love salads in general but this one is delish!

A leisurely walk through CostCo. Go ahead and laugh but Dan and I love CostCo. We have not been there without kids since, well, before we had kids, duh. It was fun to actually look at the books and music, and all the fun summer yard things.

And finally we went to see this. I like Jennifer Garner, but this movie was sort of, "eh" for me. A little too raunchy with the casual sex theme. But it was ok and it was fun to watch Lacy Chabert in the role she had. She used to be in my kickboxing class when I lived in California and was really nice. I was always in the row behind her and I would pretend to punch at her head.
Good target I guess?
We were home by 4:00 p.m. and spend the rest of the day playing with the kids.
Thank you again Marie for your willingness to watch the kids!
Too Funny! Seems everytime Josh and I get a night alone we some how always end up at Wal-Mart! Glad ya'll had fun. It's nice to be kid free every now and then!
What a lovely weekend! I still enjoy strolls through Costco (even with the crazy kids in tow. But..I can't even imagine how awesome it would be without!)
I'm sad I missed Leslie's Mexican Fiesta. I was with her when she was buying all the food; and it made me salivate just thinking about it! (Plus, I bet the company was pretty entertaining as well!)
Sounds like a lovely weekend!
sounds like a great getaway! and i didn't laugh at the cosco thing, hubby and i love to wander about sam's club...
How fun! We went away too, except we took our kids so we had curfews, sleeping battles, issues with what to eat, where to play, when to swim and what to watch on T.V. It was fun but your weekend sounds better:)
Sounds fun! esp the sleeping in part. I am not sure what that would even feel like :)
I am glad you guys had a blast, you deserve it. I agree, the mexican dinner was delish and the company was great. Don't you wish we could do things like this a little more often?? I would be in heaven:)
So I finally got around to reading your blog (as you can tell, something I do about once a month) and every post is adorable. Your kids are adorable too. It was fun to watch them for the first time, and I'm excited to finally comment on your blog for the first time ever! :)
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