What? You thought this would be about my basement?
Of course it is - but you have to look at a cute LuLu picture first!
She looks cute but she is pure evil...dumping out my make-up (she figured out the drawer lock) she sets her sights on destruction every which way she turns and leaves a path to deal with later that makes mommy very, very tired. Then she looks at me all innocent and all I can say to her is "Give me a kissie sweet girl!"

One wall done...well maybe more after tonight. My dad and Dan are working hard down there. So far I love the water softener we put in (WHATEVER.) I know I will love it? Right now my hair is as straight as a ruler and the water tastes like bleh. Dan says it will take about a week. Three more days people and if I hate my water I have to get a fancy filter. I cannot have gross water in my house. Do you know how much water I drink? I LOVE it. I drink TONS! (Ok, a lot.)

Cute helper Greg. He gets his little hat, grabs his plastic saw and hammer and is ready to work!! It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. He loves to be a helper. God love him for that. Speaking of which, Jesus is "talking" to him and often. I hear daily how "Jesus told me I need to take a bath" and "Jesus said we need to go to Disneyland tomorrow." I've been writing these all down. I know I shouldn't laugh but I love that he is having these cute little conversations!
Oh the joys of finishing a basement. Have fun with that never ending project.
She looks so cute in red though! I bet she could get away with anything in that outfit!
Lily has that same outfit that Lu Lu is wearing! She is so darling. That one wall looks fantastic!!
Dan needs to call Cam! You do not have to get a fancy filter. Cam hooked it up so that the soft water works everywhere but somehow it does not soften the cold water in the kitchen, just the hot,,, I do not know that details, what I do know is this... my cold water in the kitchen tastes great! So, have your people call my people ;)
I'm so excited to see the finished product!! You will LOVE having somewhere to send your kids so they leave you alone:)
Our softner is like Kristen's and it also doesn't soften our fridge connection because I don't want it coming out soft to drink. Everywhere but the kitchen baby! Gotta love it!
Ours is everywhere but the kitchen and with separate hot like Kristen was talking about. I'm just whining because it takes about a week for the system to not have a plastic pipe taste to it. Thank goodness for my fridge filter! It's getting better everyday but we all know I am NOT a patient person. (Ms. Salt - remember? No pun intended!)
Yeah for Dan, your dad and the darling helper. Everything looks nice and straight :)
Straight hair? Less conditioner maybe ??? My hair just gets curlier with age!
I am cracking up at your little dude's comments on "hearing Jesus" that is SO darling! I agree, you have to write that stuff down! :) I could eat lulu up, she is delicious! What a stinker with the makeup lock! :O
Have a great weekend, good luck with the water too! -Tara
Happy belated bday! The Easter pics are precious! I love the Lilly! I am so hapy its spring so that I can pull ours out! PS: good luck with that tball schedule!
I LOVE the comments from Greg...what a cutie. Very intuned:) The basement is looking great, keep up the awesome work Dan. And I had to get a filter for drinking water, I hate the taste of soft water, but I still wanted soft water in my kitchen sink so it wouldn't leave the awful hard water stains. Good luck. Do you want me to bring you a pitcher of water?
I have the hardest time disciplining Thomas b/c he is just SO darn cute...and he needs the discipline a lot-ha! I can see where you would have the same problem with Miss Lulu. :)
Hope the basement project goes quickly. Looks like you are already off to a great start. Good help is hard to find-ha!
Too cute... with his little ear protection on!
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