Happy First Birthday
Miss Lauren Bridgette!!!

I can't believe that a year has gone by since this precious little girl came into our lives....

Here she is pretending to sleep in her pretty bed.
She is not a good sleeper but we'll still keep her.

She gave us all quite a scare at 7 weeks when she got RSV and had to go to the hospital for 3 days. It was so hard to see my baby not being able to breathe!

Blessing Day - Dan gave her the sweetest blessing and we were thrilled to have Dan's mom and dad there with us. (They had been in Texas for both boys blessings!) Isn't Sally pretty? I think LuLu looks so much like her.

I love buying this little one dresses - she is so much fun to dress up!

And she is fun to snuggle when she lets you. This was her birthday present to me, to let mommy hold her a long, long time that night. I was so thrilled!
(And looking a lot like my brother Mike in this photo I think!) 
Lauren loved meeting so many cousins - this is her and her sweet cousin Kate. Just 5 weeks apart. If we lived in Atlanta I know they would be the best of friends and have a grand closet of clothes to share between them!

Lauren is such a daddy's girl.
Her eyes just light up and sparkle every time she sees him!

I would've been thrilled to have a 3rd boy
(have you seen we make cute ones around here?) But I had
no idea how my heart would be opened when I had a daughter.

See? She's like me and doesn't like scary things either.

She is so lucky to have these two guys looking after her. Graham and Greg adore her and have made her one of the gang. Smothered in kisses is an understatement with these two.

She just took her first four steps yesterday! Right to mama (good girl!)

We love you Missy LuLu!
You have brought so much joy to our home and I thank God everyday for sending you down to your daddy and I. Our family is truly complete with you.
I am so grateful to have you as my daughter and I hope someday a friend.

oh what a sweet girl that little lulu is. i hope she has a very happy birthday. no doubt you have planned something adorable for her.
That is just too much cuteness! Happy Birthday to your little Miss Lulu! I have a little Emma who we call Miss Looloo and I always get lots of people asking if that's really her name! I love it!
Happy Birthday, Beautiful Girl! I love your little smiles and outgoing personality!
Happy Birthday Pretty Lauren.
I hope your year is full of adventures and happy times.
p.s. You are so CUTE.
Happy, happy birthday! Today is my father's birthday - a wonderful day for sure!
Seriously, why do they have to grow up so fast? She is such a doll! Just like her mom. ;)
She's too cute! I can't believe it's already been a year; these little babies are growing up way too quickly! I loved looking at all those adorable pictures of your family! Happy day to a beautiful little girly!
Awww, so sweet! Happy Birthday Lauren!
Tears are welled up in my eyes. What a perfectly sweet post for a perfectly sweet one year old. We love Lulu too! I can't wait to see how beautiful and smart she gets year by year!
Happy birthday pretty girl! Time really does go by too quickly - before you know it Miss Lauren will be all grown up. Glad you got your little girl, the dresses and hairbows are too much fun!!!
I love this post, it's just so sweet! Happy Birthday pretty girl!
She is just a doll I tell ya! Hayyp Birthday you sweet thing!
So darling! Happy birthday LuLu! You are the cutest thing eva!!!!
Happy Birthday Lauren! She is so cute, and at such a fun age! Cute pics, hope she had a great day!
She is sooo beautiful!
Doesn't a year go so quickly now?! I know she is a wonderful blessing to your family.
Your daughter is beautiful ~ but then again, she takes after you.
Happy birthday, hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating!
I just have to tell you that we call Luke LuLu (Lucky Luke). His Aunt Nicole decided we should call him that.
She i just so cute... hope she had a Happy Birthday! I love the picture of her with her brothers... so sweet!
I just found your blog. Happy birthday to Lauren! We, too, have 2 boys and a girl. When Rachel was born, it was such a surprise and delight. She is now 13 and my angel. She still loves to be with me, so I am counting my blessings!
What beautiful pics! I love the birthday outfit too!
That first photo of your princess is the most precious baby photo I think I've ever seen...what a jewel. I know what you mean about the RSV thing...my first daughter got it at 6 days old and landed herself a 2 week hospital stay....crazy times. Hey!@ I saw you over at 'A soft place to land'!!!
I really can't believe she is one!! Happy birthday Lauren!
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