Our first date was December 2nd..we think. I think we both knew we had met someone special that night. I walked down to the lobby to meet him and I thought I was going to faint. I knew the minute I saw him. I sent him home with a bit of red lipstick too.

After asking my dad's permission while my dad was in the ICU (notice he asked while my dad was medicated) a few weeks later, he proposed on July 8th. I have no idea what he said. I just remember seeing him go down on one knee and I said yes. Twice. I would say it twice again. Eleven weeks later we were married!

This is my favorite picture from our reception in Salt Lake City. Whoever took it and sent it to us, thank you! Every 15 minutes, "Can we go yet?" And here he is saying "LET'S GO!"
I love you baby. Seemed like it took you forever to find me but I'm so glad you did!
Thee I love, more than the meadow so green and still
More than the mulberries on the hill
More than the buds of a May apple tree, I love thee
Happy 7th Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary...we celebrated our 25th in July and I wouldn't trade a minute! Well, maybe the minutes with the in-laws but that's another story for another day. LOL
I've been wondering where you got your title for your blog...beautiful poem. Happy anniversary!
Happy Happy Anniversary. I hope you're day is super special and full of all things fun. FUN.
love you,
p.s. I'm so happy Dan found you. You're a treasure for sure.
Aw, happy anniversary!
Aw, so sweet!
What an adorable couple! (I love the part about you sending him home with some red lipsick! Yowza!)
You two are an adorable couple...and fun neighbors! Have a great anniversary! (Close your windows so Heidi doesn't blog about you ;)
Happy 7th! And happy 6 months to Kate!
So that explains the blog title........couldn't be more appropriate! Congratulations to the both of you!
Happy Anniversary:) I thought of you today at church when we sat behind a young couple and their 4 day old baby!!!
Congratulations! Its fun to hear a little bit about you two!
Happy Anniversary Guys!! You are too cute Kristen! Dan is a lucky lucky man:)
What a great story!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!
Have a happy anniversary!!!
Look at you guys! I love the pics. You guys are too cute. Eleven weeks! Holy moly! No messin around there.
Oh Kris! I love you so much and cried reading this. You sure did well. Dan was worth the wait!
Thank you for sharing the beautiful and very personal quote. I love that you have a quote to express your love!
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