Dan's work sure has come a long way with their party planning committee. The first year we were married it was dinner at a five star hotel (where I worked, so after a 8 hour day I had to walk down the hall to eat dinner and we sat and made fun of all the people getting plastered.)
The next two years were a carnival with BBQ in his work parking lot. They wanted it to be more family friendly - getting better but you are still at work so it was kind of "eh." But they finally got it right last year (closed down the zoo for the company) and nailed it on the head this year by giving us free passes to an amusement park and with catered lunch. Poor little Lauren had to stay home and get spoiled with some attention from grandma and grandpa.

The boys had such a great time! The kids area is really great - and the weather was iffy all day so I think it kept a lot of people away. We hardly had to wait in lines at all. Graham was excited into going on the big swinging pirate ship with Dan. His poor little face turned from delight to fear after the 2nd swing and they started going so high. He got off that ride steaming mad, but with a hint of a smile, I think he was proud of himself for surviving!

Another favorite, the airplanes, helicopters, whale ride and the train! We took them on the log ride which they sort of liked (Greg hates getting wet like that) and I chickened out of the Haunted House ride - I cannot stand things like that with scary monsters jumping out at me. Greg seemed indifferent, he was more concerned about losing his package of cheese and crackers from his backpack.

Here are two of my cute boys on top of the Ferris Wheel! I am scared of heights like this, but was ok as long as I just looked out and Dan didn't start spinning the wheel on me! The boys did NOT like this and as soon as we got off asked to go again!! Go figure.

Our splurge of the day was paying extra for the go-carts. The boys are big time into cars, racing and anything like it (poor Dan.) Graham rode with me and kept yelling out "Oh YEAH!" Dan and Greg ripped ahead of us several times but we played coy till the end, floored it and took them on the final lap for the win! That was SO much fun!
Graham is so tall that he could go on almost all the rides, but was still nervous and not too sure about a lot of them. Dan and I didn't talk them into anything, we wanted to make sure they just had fun. At the end of the day they finally decided to go on the sky ride that they had said no to all day and then wanted to go on it again.
This was sort of our practice run for Disneyland in the fall. We wanted to see how the boys behaved. We did buy Greg a little Monkey harness backpack which he thought was great. We would hold onto the "tail" so according to Greg " you can follow me because I'm leading the way!" He is a little wanderer these days and I wasn't wanting to chase him through the crowds. It was worth the $8 plus some. We had a terrific time, it was really a nice day spent with the kids with some great memories!!!

Looks like so much fun. I was going to ask where it was but then I realized there is only one in Utah. :)
What a fun day! I am glad it went well :)
The pic of Dan and Greg on the ferris wheel is so good.
I love amusement parks...such joy to be found.
I love all the cute clothes for Lauren, it is so hard to resist buying for a girl! The park looks like so much fun, I can't wait to take Caitlyn there, in a few more years of course, Mike's company has his work party there too!
We love Lagoon. We have season passes for this summer while we are there in Utah. It's even funner when it's free!!!
I love amusements parks and I haven't been to this one for a couple of years now. Looking at the pictures made me excited to go and to take Coop this year. (I love to people watch there, it is hilarious!)
Props for Dan's work for taking you there. Collin's work did that one year, but every year they get lame-o...actually I don't even think they do a summer party anymore.
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