Monday, May 30, 2011

Swim Garden SWIM!

 I have been so looking forward to planting my garden this year.  So have the kids - they were great help in turning over the soil to get things ready to plant.
 I was careful to wait until the chance of frost was gone - I know how tender these little sprouts can be!
 Here is my 24 square garden Dan and the boys built for our family last year - ready to go!
The spinach seems to be doing great!

 So are the carrots...
But my cucumbers....I have been really excited to learn how to do pickling this year - I planted one Straight Eight for salads and two squares of Boston Picklers for well, pickles. 
And then the rains came...and came, and came, and came. 
My poor garden has been DROWNING in water!!!
 I might have to quickly replace these as well as my basil that Lauren decided was fun to dig up.  
At least my chive plant came back full force and is doing well though!  
Any advice for a first time cucumber grower in Utah?  
Other than better luck next year?


Melinda said...

I'm glad your chives survived! I've noticed that sage is very hearty for this climate as well and comes back each year. Good luck with the replanting!

Olson's said...

Looks amazing - despite the rain! I'm hoping the next few weeks will help your garden (and all of us) to dry out a little bit.

We've grown cucumbers in our garden the past couple of years and they always seem to do really well! We've gotten a ton of cucumbers off each plant so I bet you'll be just fine!