Tuesday, March 31, 2009


For sweet Dan to get home with new tires on my car. He was already halfway downtown when I called him to tell him I had three kids in the car to go to preschool and I had a flat.

We've known for two months that one tire had a slow leak and we've just been filling it up with air every few days. Dumb, I know. We were procrastinating!

Then the flat came to a completely different tire.
And I have an appointment at 1 p.m. today to get the car serviced. You know, the two hour service that you love to take three kids with you to?
Yeah, that one.

I love Dan. He does the car thing AND the taxes. I knew I married him for a reason. (wink)

The garage sale was a huge success! I got more money than I was expecting and had enough left over of clothes to give to three friends of mine for their little ones too!
And if felt GREAT today to pay cash for Greg's preschool tuition and make a huge deposit towards his fall payment!


Chris said...

Just because you KNOW about the leaky tire doesn't mean you have to CHANGE it! Isn't that the rule? We're having a garage sale this weekend. I hope I can report that it was successful like yours!

Rae said...

Way to go paying cash for Greg's preschool! All from a tag sale? So impressive!!!

kjtroxel said...

Hooray for cash in the hand! When are we having another one???

Jo said...

Yeah for you! We are clearing out some of our "treasures" this spring with a neighborhood tag sale. My goal is to make a little money and my husbands goal is to make a little room in the basement! :)


Anonymous said...

You think your a procrastinator? We have needed new front tires since we moved into this house and we still haven't done it! I LOATHE get my car worked on and simply refuse to do it with 3 kids. Your a much better wife then I am...

Stephanie said...

Glad to hear the garage sale was a success.