Friday, November 14, 2008


I am more than disturbed right now. I was turning out Graham's light and I see car lights so I peek out the window...this truck stops right in the middle of our street, someone gets out and goes up to my neighbors porch and steals their pumpkin! I'm sure it was some dumb teenager. Who else would do something so mean?

I banged on the window and flashed the light. Then I felt dumb and thought that maybe they would come back and steal something of mine - so I took all my fall things of my porch. In barefeet. At 11 p.m. In my pj's. When it's 30 degrees outside.

I get paranoid. I can't help it, I inherited some from my mother and I grew up near L.A.
How could I be anything but?

I feel sad for the cute little girls who live there though, there will one pumpkin missing when they wake up in the morning.


Cindy said...

We had some pumpkins stolen from our porch a few weeks ago too. I am sure it was harmless teenagers, but it still made me mad!

Melinda said...

You know, I heard some boys in my class trying to invite others to go pumpkin smashing with them this weekend. I assumed they were smashing their old pumpkins. Now I have my suspicions that they teamed up with their high school siblings and are smashing other people's pumpkins. How annoying! I thinking I'll have to give a talk to that class about vandalism and stealing.

NatRat said...

This is my pet peeve! I hate kids that smash pumpkins and steal them. What are they thinking, and any mother that finds out that their child has been doing this and does not discipline them is lame-o! Think of the poor child that has smashed pumpkins all over the street. Rude, rude, rude...okay that is my word for the day.

Kitty said...

Naughty kids. The nerve.

Meredith said...

That's just wrong! I once had a neighbor in our apt building steal our plants from in front of our door. I say it's justified sometimes to be a little paranoid-ha!

Chris said...

You're weird. ;-)

Kim Hancock said...

Somebody took two of my flags last still irritates me! I just wander what makes people feel entitled!